
St Leonards CE Primary Academy

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it" Proverb 22:6

Message from Mr White

We have come to the end of a very busy and very successful year. The academy has grown in numbers, improved and enhanced its learning environment and achieved the first ever rating by Ofsted of good. This is due to the hard work and commitment of a very dedicated staff who have worked tirelessly to develop new teaching and learning strategies, support the wide needs of the pupils and create an exciting and enriching curriculum.

I would like to thank them all on your behalf and wish them a relaxing and well earned summer break.

On a personal note, I am pleased to be leaving the academy in such safe hands and know, under Mrs Rew's leadership, the improvements will continue and the children will flourish. As many of you know, I started my teaching career here in 1988 and I am proud to complete the full circle and spend my last day where I began in education. My first Headteacher taught me that it is ' never a normal day' and that has stuck with me throughout my time in schools.  Much has changed in that time but the children continue to amaze me in their resilience, desire to improve and ability to achieve the very best they can.

I would like to thank all parents for their support, the children for their great enthusiasm and wiliness to learn and for the staff who are the number one asset any school has.

I wish you all a wonderful break, good luck to our Year 6 children who start their new school and I look forward to hearing about the great future of St Leonards CE Primary Academy.

With best wishes

Richard White

