
St Leonards CE Primary Academy

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it" Proverb 22:6


St Leonard’s CE Academy

Curriculum Intent Statement



At St Leonards CE primary academy, we hold art as a highly valued subject that equips children to actively engage with, and express, their creativity. Through learning about diverse and relevant artists within our local area and across the world, the children will have a greater understanding of the world around them and the part art has to play in contributing to different cultures, it’s influences on historical movements, and its way of conveying messages and emotions.


Through our progressive art curriculum, the children will gain confidence in exploring and developing a range of artistic skills through a variety of mediums. Our children will be able to take elements from aspirational artists/artwork and apply it to their own ideas so that each piece of art at St Leonards reflects the child’s spirit and individuality.


Our art curriculum complements the wider curriculum within the school through topics, artwork and studied artists. The children are given the freedom to explore their creativity within sketchbooks by trialling ideas and planning individual designs in their preferred style. By studying art with the child’s preferences and artistic choice at the centre, the children will be provided with firm foundations to aid their well-being, contributing to their holistic development.









Progression in Drawing Reception - Year 6

Progression in Painting Reception - Year 6

Progression in Sculpture Reception -Year 6
