
St Leonards CE Primary Academy

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it" Proverb 22:6

Physical Education

PE Progression of skills EYFS-Year 6

Competitive Sport

At St Leonards, we are committed to providing a wide range of opportunities for our pupils to participate in sporting events and competitions. We are proud of all the achievements, hard work and dedication of all our pupils in each and every event, and are always impressed with their enthusiasm. 


Due to such high interest, we thought it would be helpful to share with you both the range of competitions and events available to our pupils, and the selection process for these events.


We have various competitions throughout the year, ranging from more relaxed festivals where pupils can enjoy a fun atmosphere, to the highly competitive Sussex School Games, where our athletes compete against the best in the county.

For the Sussex School Games, the organisers request that we send our strongest athletes. Children must go through several qualification rounds to reach the Sussex Finals. When they get there, they represent not only our school but also the Hastings and Rother area, competing alongside some of the top athletes in Sussex. To reach this level, children must demonstrate resilience, determination, and a high level of skill. Competitions linked to the Sussex School Games include:


  • X-Country
  • Sports Hall Athletics
  • Quad Athletics
  • Golf
  • Tennis
  • Football
  • Netball


When selecting children for these events, there are three main factors to consider:


Behaviour and Attitude: Since pupils are representing our school, town, and surrounding areas, it is important that they display positive behaviour both in and out of school. We expect them to uphold our school values and make responsible choices when representing us.

Effort and Engagement in PE Lessons: Pupils who consistently show effort and engagement in PE lessons are more likely to be selected. Their hard work in class helps to assess their potential for competitive events.


Ability to Compete at a High Level: Not every pupil is ready to compete at an elite level. We want to ensure that those selected can perform confidently and without compromising their enjoyment of the sport. It is important that children feel positive about their experience, whether they win or lose.


These are the primary criteria used when making selections. Selection is not solely based on who signs up for after-school clubs. As you are aware, our clubs fill up quickly which means not every pupil is able to attend the club of their choosing. We aim to ensure that all pupils have an opportunity to participate, regardless of whether they have a space at a club or not.


Festivals and Other Competitions

In addition to the Sussex School Games, we participate in local festivals organised by nearby primary schools. These events are less formal and provide opportunities for pupils to compete and represent our school within a more relaxed environment whilst building their confidence and gaining valuable experience. Children who regularly attend after-school clubs are often selected for these festivals, in addition to considering their behaviour and participation within PE lessons.


Achievements and Looking Ahead

Over the years, we have increased the number of competitions we enter, giving more children the privilege of representing our school. Last year, 198 different children represented us at both School Games and festival events. We also celebrated some remarkable achievements, including our first-ever Sussex Champion, Adam Faris, who won the Year 5 Boys’ X-Country event. We were also proud to be Sussex School bronze medallists in Sports Hall Athletics. So far this year, 79 pupils have represented our school, and we are on track to have our best year yet, with the number of children participating in competitions exceeding 200.


We understand that children may feel disappointed if they are not selected for a particular competition. We strive to provide as many opportunities as possible for all children. If you have any questions or would like further information about the selection process, please contact Mr Ray.


Thank you for your continued support and here’s to many more sporting enjoyment and successes this year!
