
St Leonards CE Primary Academy

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it" Proverb 22:6

Sports Premium



From time to time we are required to publish information regarding grants received and how they are spent.


PE Sports Grant


At St Leonard’s Church of England Primary Academy we believe PE & Sport plays an important role with the potential to change young people’s lives for the better.


We have welcomed the Government’s announcement in June 2013 to provide additional funding to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. We are committed to using this resource in developing high quality PE lessons; alongside greater opportunities for sporting competitions and clubs for all our young people. We agree with the Prime Minister’s declaration that this funding will “improve PE and school sport for the youngest pupils and inspire the Olympic and Paralympic stars of the future.”


During 2019 St Leonard’s has been the subject of two case studies by Active Sussex Active Sussex

The sport funding can only be spent on sport and PE provision in Academies. For more information on how we intend to spend the sports grant please see the file below.

St Leonards CEP Academy aims to ensure any plans in the Sports Premium funding are sustainable. This means that there are long term plans to ensure that any provision can continue even if the funding were to cease. 

Sports Premium report 2023-2024

Sports Premium Report 2022-2023

Sports Premium End of Year Report 2021-2022

Details of year 6 swimming competency


Primary schools and academies are required to publish about the swimming competency of their year 6 cohort. Please see details of our year 5 and 6 swimming competency in our Sports Premium report.

No Swimming undertaken in 19/20 due to restrictions of Covid.
