"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it" Proverb 22:6
Meals need to be booked on the Relish parent portal:
Please go to the follow link to set up your account in our Parent Portal www.relishschoolfood.co.uk/parents
From here, please click on the ‘Register’ tab.
Payment for school dinners is made via Arbor under the Meals payment option.
Universal and free school meals need to book only and a credit will automatically be applied.
We are a cashless school, children should not bring money into school.
Under new government regulations, children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 automatically receive free school meals regardless of personal circumstances. However we ask those parents or carers who are in receipt of ESA or child tax credit to still complete the free school meal application form so that the Academy still receives the additional funding for these children. The additional funding is specifically used to raise the attainment of this group of children.
Years 3,4,5 and 6 still need to pay for school dinners(currently £2.80) unless they are eligible for free school meals (criteria- see above). An application link and current menu can be obtained from the Academy office.
Alternatively children may bring a packed lunch to the Academy. All packed lunches should be in a suitable container with the child’s name clearly written on the outside.
Healthy eating is encouraged and children should have a well balanced lunch which includes some fruit and vegetables. Sweets and chocolate bars are not permitted although a chocolate biscuit may be included. Glass bottles and cans of fizzy drink are not permitted.
Please ensure packed lunches avoid nut products.