
St Leonards CE Primary Academy

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it" Proverb 22:6

House point winners

Well done to all four houses for earning over 42,000 points this year.

! am pleased to say the overall winners are Sycamore with 10,519 points and they all enjoyed their house party this afternoon.

A big thank you to the year 6 house captains who have worked hard all year and taken on a great deal of responsibility to support the staff.


Sycamore 10,519 points

Chestnut 10,511 points

Willow 10,500 points

Oak  10,431 points


We will start again from 0 when the children return in September


Congratulations to our Golden Ticket Winners Daisy Wheeler (Olivia Wheeler pictured) and Rosie May. 

The two were drawn out at random to win a mountain bike. 
