"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it" Proverb 22:6
Farewell to staff.
We are proud to announce that two our staff have been successful in gaining a promotion.
Julia Bray our current Senco/Assistant Head is moving to be Head of School at Northiam and Tom Glenn, Year 6 and Phase Leader is moving to St Pauls CE School as Assistant Head.
Very well done to both of them and although we are very sad to see them leave, wish them every success and the best of luck for the future!
Please see the individual letters sent to parents for more details. If you wish to see either one before they leave please make an appointment at the office.
Sarah Corrigan will be acting Senco at least until the end of the academic year. Sarah has been here at School for a long time and has the benefit of already knowing a lot of you extremely well. She will be shadowing Julia until she leaves as well as overseeing her existing class.
Please see the individual letter sent home to all children in Miss Corrigan’s class for further details.
Furthermore we are very pleased that Gail Wright has returned to school. Her little boy is receiving Chemotherapy but now receiving it locally which is freeing her up to return to School. We ask for your understandinging as she still may not be able to attend fully as there will still be times when she needs to be with her children. Ollie is now making pleasing progress and I am sure you join me , when praying for a speedy and full recovery.